Vaccine News

Yesterday afternoon (February 11, 2021), we administered 240 doses of COVID-19 vaccine here on our campus.

  • 100% of all Lifecare residents have received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. A whopping 97% have received their 2nd dose!
  • 80% of all eligible Lifecare staff had received their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine. 48% of all eligible employees have gotten their second dose. (Eligible means they are at least 16 years old.)

This is wonderful news! While safety behaviors of masking and distancing will continue, we have achieved a significant measure of safety. Thank you to everyone who helped to make this possible.

I must personally recognize Amy Rauert, Administrator at Harvest Hill. Amy set up the clinics and led all the preparation, putting in long hours gathering and providing Walgreens with the information they needed to vaccinate hundreds of people. Thank you, Amy.

I feel so joyful today! We have kept our residents safe for 11 months! The battle is not over, but having 80% of our staff vaccinated is a huge step forward. Thank you.

Cindy Jerome
Executive Director, APD Lifecare
Administrator, The Woodlands

January 26, 2021

We held our first round of vaccination clinics at both Harvest Hill and the Woodlands last week. Everything went smoothly and the next two clinics will take place Feb. 11th and March 4th.